EFC is a leading company in variety management, with the mission to create added value for companies within the fruit chain. Every day, our partners in the fruit chain work hard to grow and deliver high-quality, tasty fruit in the most sustainable way possible. Fruit that is enjoyed every day. This is how, together with all our partners, we are contributing towards realising a healthy future.
Working towards a healthy future
Sustainable Development with SDGs
Our partners are aware of the urgency and our mutual responsibility towards nature, the environment, society and future generations. This responsibility stems from the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which provide tools for the social, economic and sustainable development of the planet, society and nature. Guided by the SDGs, we and our partners in the fruit chain are adopting initiatives to make our operations more sustainable.
Discover what we’re doing
This is biodiversity
Biodiversity is an indicator of the different organisms, animals, plants and life in a given area. The level of biodiversity helps us measure how 'healthy' this area is. We, therefore, also believe it is important to maintain a high level of biodiversity within our growing areas.
This is how action is being taken
Biodiversity is promoted in various ways. The presence of insects is ensured by planting flower strips next to the orchards, to attract and retain natural enemies of harmful insects in the orchard.
As an indicator of biodiversity, the dragonfly plays an important role in some growing areas. So, projects are being set up to improve its habitat. In addition, bees are important for pollinating fruit trees. This is why collaborations with beekeepers are set up, to maintain the bee population and promote bee migration.
Protected species, such as bats, also like to visit the orchards to catch insects. Special bat boxes are installed to support the population.
In short: the whole ecosystem is being taken into account. Where possible, natural crop protection is chosen to preserve all the beneficial organisms within the area where the orchard is located.
The Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) is globally the main threat to the European honey bee. The varroa mite is an external parasite that attacks the immune system of honey bees. Varroa is considered the main cause of global bee mortality.
Since the end of 2024, EFC has been supporting Buckfastimker-Süd e.V.. An association of beekeepers specialised in keeping and breeding Buckfast bees. These bees are known for their gentleness, high honey production and good resistance to diseases. EFC supports the aim of Buckfastimker-Süd e.V. to develop varroa resistance among Buckfast bees in a sustainable way. With this, EFC wants to contribute to maintaining strong and healthy bee colonies that can continue to pollinate KANZI and Sprizzle trees in the future.
Responsible consumption & climate action
In addition to sunshine, water is essential for the growing process of juicy apples and pears. In many growing areas, water is not always widely available to achieve optimal irrigation. This is due to limited rainfall as well as extreme periods of drought caused by rising temperatures. Our partners are making continuous improvements to be more efficient in their use of water.
This is how action is being taken
In many countries, more than three quarters of the drinking water is used to produce food and drinks. This is why our partners treat water responsibly. Despite the fact that growing apples requires relatively little water, investments are being made in drip irrigation systems. Smart systems measure the need for underground water and set the irrigation accordingly. Ensuring that there is never too much water used.
Existing natural water sources are also used. These are treated sustainably, so that they remain available to other users in the future. Where possible, excess rainwater is collected, so that it is available for use in drier periods.
Economical use of energy
Within fruit growing, measures are being adopted to use energy more efficiently and so contribute to global climate goals.
This is how action is being taken
Our partners use natural resources whenever possible, to generate energy from hydropower and solar power. Energy consumption is made as efficient as possible: from sustainable LED lights in offices, to green cooling systems with lower CO2 emissions.
EFC Doet!
In addition to all the sustainability projects and green goals of our partners, we too are working to realise our own social goals. One of our initiatives is the annual ‘EFC-DOET!’ (the EFC Do Day), when our team carries out work for a charity or welfare institution chosen by one of our colleagues.
2023: This year our EFC-team supported social project FROEP for one day. A project that was set up to help people with a distance to the labor market and to provide soup and fruit-snacks to elementary schools in the region of Borgloon (Belgium).

Together with the team of FROEP our EFC-colleagues prepared vegetables and fruit for the coming days, delivered soup to various elementary schools and helped with washing up the FROEP cups afterwards.
Soup and fruit-snacks were brought to the schools with the "FROEPmobile".

A great experience for all colleagues helping with this project and bringing a healthy snack to the schools.